Sunday, February 17, 2013

Im still alive!

and to prove it - here are some updates of stuff painted over the last few months...

Mantichora, now I'm seeing it on my screen I might need to redden the tail and green up the sting a bit more...

Such a nice figure! It doesn't look so glossy in real life.

Old Skool Giant. Dodgy eyes... :(

 Moradin - painting commission for my Best Man!


adeptgamer said...

Very excellent work. That classic style Manticore is great!

Unknown said...

Yes -it's a lovely sculpt from Bane Legions. Bit expensive, but its huge and will be a great encounter for my D&D gang!

It's was my first resin miniature and I found pinning it together an absolute dream! I'll be looking out for other suitable monsters from them again.